Invitation to "adopt pytest month"

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Sun Mar 29 09:51:52 EDT 2015

On 03/28/2015 08:54 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 12:13 AM, Brianna Laugher
> <brianna.laugher at> wrote:
>> Well, I'm kind of making it up as I go, but I envisage something like
>> · initial familiarisation with project, discussion of aims (which we
>> have done a bit here and now on the wiki page)
>> · basics: pytest can run all tests, tests run without errors/failures,
>> CI server set up (I haven't seen one for Kallithea yet - is there
>> one?), probably with coverage - pytest helpers submit PRs, project
>> authors review and discuss
> I don't think there is a CI server currently.
> Mads: are you running one privately?

No, nothing continuous. I run the tests locally before deploying 
internally or pushing upstream. That works ok. Right now I don't see a 
big need for CI; I don't think it would solve a "real" problem.

Long term it would be nice for Kallithea development to have test run 
integrated with PRs, as one automatic and mandatory "review" criteria.

I think CI is more valuable for projects where multiple people are 
pushing to the same branch frequently and where it not is feasible to 
test everything before pushing (perhaps because it must be tested on 
multiple platforms or use special hardware or just is too slow).

>> Then you have a choice of focusing on existing tests or exploring
>> needs for new tests.
>> Existing tests: Progressively rewrite to be more pytesthonic. You
>> mentioned improving the speed and that is another definite area to
>> look at!
>> New tests: Add unit tests for low coverage areas. Figure out what
>> fixtures might be needed, especially for functional tests.
>> I would suggest the latter could be especially useful for Kallithea as
>> you already mentioned fixtures for different vcs repos - sounds
>> perfect.
>> As I put 3 helpers with Kallithea they are people with a variety of
>> pytest experience, so something like converting or writing new unit
>> tests is a good task for someone with less experience, and analysing
>> the speed and writing fixtures is a good task for someone with more.
>> Like that is actually heaps for a months' effort, right? I get really
>> excited and I'm really bad at keeping the scope down. :) But that's
>> pretty much what I think - then if you/Kallithea would like a
>> different focus, or have other ideas, point the way!
> What you describe sounds good to me, but I definitely welcome more
> feedback from other Kallithea contributors/maintainers in this
> matter...

I can imagine some valuable milestones / deliverables:

* be able to run the existing tests with pytest instead of nosetests

* be able to run individual tests - that is currently tricky because 
nosetest and/or the way our tests are structured

* test coverage profiling ... and eventually tests for the areas without 

* pull requests is one area with bad coverage ... and it is tricky 
because we want tests for many different repo scenarios with common and 
special cases

* parallel test execution - will probably require multiple test database 
/ fixture instances

* integration of 
or something like it

* work towards more real unittests with mocking or refactoring to 
dependency injection

* something in docs/contributing.rst

Smart and experienced people will probably find better goals, more 
important tasks and different ways of doing it when they start working 
on it ... and that would of course be even better ;-)


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