I am back

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Wed Sep 9 16:06:13 UTC 2015

On 09/09/2015 01:40 PM, Dominik Ruf wrote:
> Hi,
> quite a while ago I created some pull request.
> But had no time to 'finish' them.
> Now I have some time again.

Welcome back!

Yes, we still have some good stuff from you in the queue. You were a bit 
ahead of us. We have caught up in some ways, in some places some minor 
things or discussions are still missing.

Please consider reaching out to us on mail or IRC before working on new 
and old stuff so we can stay aligned on where we are, where we want to 
go, and which steps to take.

> But before I start to work on them again I
> wanted to ask some questions first.
> 1. One problem back then was that you didn't want to have any db schema
> changes. What is the status of this? Are you ready for changes that
> require db schema changes?

Yes, we would have done that for 0.3 if there were any good reasons for it.

We do however still focus on stability - even more so when we start 
making database changes.

I think we will drop all the old upgrade stuff and require landing on 
0.3.x if coming from the legacy app. We will probably do db upgrades 
differently. For a starter: no full copies of db.py and no custom hacked 
version of dbmigrate. A switch to alembic has been mentioned - that 
might be an option.

A good first db change would be cleanups like that and make migration 
steps that really will normalize the database if coming from various 
legacy schema versions through the old upgrade steps, drop some fields 
that no longer are used or present, and perhaps make sure we have the 
right indices.

> 2. Should pull requests still be handled on bitbucket?
> I'm a big believer in 'eating your own dog food' so I'd suggest to go away
> from bitbucket and instead use https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/.

I agree. But also, Kalilthea is not really optimized for being a public 
bitbucket-like instance with "random" users. It might however work if 
someone wants to admin that and keep an eye on users and prevent abuse. 
It could be an easy start if we start out by only giving access to known 

I think a better dogfooding would be to implement PRs from one Kallithea 
(or bitbucket/github) instance to another. I don't know exactly what 
that means and don't have much time work on that, though.


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