[PATCH] js: wrap repo_switcher setup code by $(document).ready
Takumi IINO
trot.thunder at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 18:52:45 UTC 2015
# HG changeset patch
# User Takumi IINO <trot.thunder at gmail.com>
# Date 1445797938 0
# Sun Oct 25 18:32:18 2015 +0000
# Node ID e3de20f2653ff381a499e1dcd64944596f679e19
# Parent 59edb20f88ad8aaad2c22ffeb2fb2adc201e6d60
js: wrap repo_switcher setup code by $(document).ready
and kill some global variables(cache, format, visual_show_public_icon).
diff --git a/kallithea/templates/base/base.html b/kallithea/templates/base/base.html
--- a/kallithea/templates/base/base.html
+++ b/kallithea/templates/base/base.html
@@ -351,100 +351,103 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
- var visual_show_public_icon = "${c.visual.show_public_icon}" == "True";
- var cache = {}
- /*format the look of items in the list*/
- var format = function(state){
- if (!state.id){
- return state.text; // optgroup
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ var visual_show_public_icon = "${c.visual.show_public_icon}" == "True";
+ var cache = {}
+ /*format the look of items in the list*/
+ var format = function(state){
+ if (!state.id){
+ return state.text; // optgroup
+ }
+ var obj_dict = state.obj;
+ var tmpl = '';
+ if(obj_dict && state.type == 'repo'){
+ tmpl += '<span class="repo-icons">';
+ if(obj_dict['repo_type'] === 'hg'){
+ tmpl += '<span class="repotag">hg</span> ';
+ }
+ else if(obj_dict['repo_type'] === 'git'){
+ tmpl += '<span class="repotag">git</span> ';
+ }
+ if(obj_dict['private']){
+ tmpl += '<i class="icon-keyhole-circled"></i> ';
+ }
+ else if(visual_show_public_icon){
+ tmpl += '<i class="icon-globe"></i> ';
+ }
+ tmpl += '</span>';
+ }
+ if(obj_dict && state.type == 'group'){
+ tmpl += '<i class="icon-folder"></i> ';
+ }
+ tmpl += state.text;
+ return tmpl;
- var obj_dict = state.obj;
- var tmpl = '';
- if(obj_dict && state.type == 'repo'){
- tmpl += '<span class="repo-icons">';
- if(obj_dict['repo_type'] === 'hg'){
- tmpl += '<span class="repotag">hg</span> ';
- }
- else if(obj_dict['repo_type'] === 'git'){
- tmpl += '<span class="repotag">git</span> ';
- }
- if(obj_dict['private']){
- tmpl += '<i class="icon-keyhole-circled"></i> ';
- }
- else if(visual_show_public_icon){
- tmpl += '<i class="icon-globe"></i> ';
- }
- tmpl += '</span>';
- }
- if(obj_dict && state.type == 'group'){
- tmpl += '<i class="icon-folder"></i> ';
- }
- tmpl += state.text;
- return tmpl;
- }
- $("#repo_switcher").select2({
- placeholder: '<i class="icon-database"></i> ${_('Repositories')}',
- dropdownAutoWidth: true,
- formatResult: format,
- formatSelection: format,
- formatNoMatches: function(term){
- return "${_('No matches found')}";
- },
- containerCssClass: "repo-switcher",
- dropdownCssClass: "repo-switcher-dropdown",
- escapeMarkup: function(m){
- // don't escape our custom placeholder
- if(m.substr(0,29) == '<i class="icon-database"></i>'){
- return m;
- }
- return Select2.util.escapeMarkup(m);
- },
- query: function(query){
- var key = 'cache';
- var cached = cache[key] ;
- if(cached) {
- var data = {results: []};
- //filter results
- $.each(cached.results, function(){
- var section = this.text;
- var children = [];
- $.each(this.children, function(){
- if(query.term.length == 0 || this.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(query.term.toUpperCase()) >= 0 ){
- children.push({'id': this.id, 'text': this.text, 'type': this.type, 'obj': this.obj});
- }
- });
- if(children.length !== 0){
- data.results.push({'text': section, 'children': children});
+ $("#repo_switcher").select2({
+ placeholder: '<i class="icon-database"></i> ${_('Repositories')}',
+ dropdownAutoWidth: true,
+ formatResult: format,
+ formatSelection: format,
+ formatNoMatches: function(term){
+ return "${_('No matches found')}";
+ },
+ containerCssClass: "repo-switcher",
+ dropdownCssClass: "repo-switcher-dropdown",
+ escapeMarkup: function(m){
+ // don't escape our custom placeholder
+ if(m.substr(0,29) == '<i class="icon-database"></i>'){
+ return m;
- });
- query.callback(data);
- }else{
- $.ajax({
- url: "${h.url('repo_switcher_data')}",
- data: {},
- dataType: 'json',
- type: 'GET',
- success: function(data) {
- cache[key] = data;
- query.callback({results: data.results});
- }
- });
- }
- }
+ return Select2.util.escapeMarkup(m);
+ },
+ query: function(query){
+ var key = 'cache';
+ var cached = cache[key] ;
+ if(cached) {
+ var data = {results: []};
+ //filter results
+ $.each(cached.results, function(){
+ var section = this.text;
+ var children = [];
+ $.each(this.children, function(){
+ if(query.term.length == 0 || this.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(query.term.toUpperCase()) >= 0 ){
+ children.push({'id': this.id, 'text': this.text, 'type': this.type, 'obj': this.obj});
+ }
+ });
+ if(children.length !== 0){
+ data.results.push({'text': section, 'children': children});
+ }
+ });
+ query.callback(data);
+ }else{
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "${h.url('repo_switcher_data')}",
+ data: {},
+ dataType: 'json',
+ type: 'GET',
+ success: function(data) {
+ cache[key] = data;
+ query.callback({results: data.results});
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $("#repo_switcher").on('select2-selecting', function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ window.location = pyroutes.url('summary_home', {'repo_name': e.val});
+ });
- $("#repo_switcher").on('select2-selecting', function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- window.location = pyroutes.url('summary_home', {'repo_name': e.val});
- });
## Global mouse bindings ##
// general help "?"
Mousetrap.bind(['?'], function(e) {
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