Issue #177: Duplicate entry error in cache_invalidation table (conservancy/kallithea)

Dominik Ruf issues-reply at
Tue Dec 8 14:33:43 UTC 2015

New issue 177: Duplicate entry error in cache_invalidation table

Dominik Ruf:

>From time to time I get the following error.

WebApp Error: <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError'>: (IntegrityError) (1062, "Duplicate entry 'myrepo' for key 'cache_key'") 'INSERT INTO cache_invalidation (cache_key, cache_args, cache_active) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' ('myrepo', 'myrepo', 1)

Module kallithea.model.db:1449 in scm_instance_cached
>>  valid = CacheInvalidation.test_and_set_valid(rn, None, valid_cache_keys=valid_cache_keys)
Module kallithea.model.db:2141 in test_and_set_valid
>>  Session().commit()
Module sqlalchemy.orm.session:710 in commit

When I look at the code it seems that in case an inactive inv_obj is found it is set to active and re-add. But re-adding an object fails.

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