Proposal for TurboGears2 port

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Wed Jan 27 23:34:37 UTC 2016

On 01/28/2016 12:09 AM, Alessandro Molina wrote:
> I have been able to have a version of Kallithea that starts, logs in 
> and shows the index of repositories in nearly 2 hours of work.

Impressive! That proves that TG really seems like an easy way forward 
... and/or that you know how to make it look easy and really want to 
help and make it happen. The cost and risk seems low and success seems 
very likely.

Do you have an idea of how much work it will be to make a full 
production ready migration? Do you already now see any big tasks in the 

Now when you have looked more at our code base, in what areas do you 
think we could change our implementation to benefit more from TG ... and 
what benefits would that give us?


PS: I guess we could make a migration look even more painless by 
temporarily introducing a mock pylons module that just call through to TG?

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