Contributing on Windows

Angel Ezquerra angel.ezquerra at
Sat Feb 13 20:39:27 UTC 2016


I've already made some (small!) changes to Kallithea that might be
useful to others. In particular, I made it possible to tell Kallithea
to scan for "nested repositories" (e.g. subrepos in case of
mercurial). I might also try to make it possible for Kallithea to
remove empty groups automatically during a scan.

I'd like to send my changes for review. I went to: but it seems
to be very Unix oriented, whereas I am working on windows. Are there
any instructions for Windows available? Is it possible to run the
tests on Windows?

Anyway, I will send a patch on a separate email, for review, and we
can sort the testing problem in parallel in this thread.



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