Turbogears2 migration: API calls

Alessandro Molina alessandro.molina at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 08:54:36 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Thomas De Schampheleire <
patrickdepinguin at gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> >   - Routing, Kallithea is probably the only TG2 app using routes as the
> core
> > dispatch system. This is probably not going away unless all controllers
> are
> > rewritten using ObjectDispatch. But as using tgext.routes as the main
> > dispatch system should be possible I tend to think that Kallithea should
> not
> > be forced to change this and I can work to fix any problems that arise.
> To use ObjectDispatch, we'd need extensive usage of the _lookup method
> inside the controller, is that correct?
> http://turbogears.readthedocs.io/en/latest/turbogears/
> objectdispatch.html#the-lookup-method

Most controllers are just dispatched based on their method name, so it
shouldn't be required.
For REST like uris ( /collection/ID/action ) or that dispatch based on HTTP
method those can be satisfied by subclassing from RestController

But again, I think this shouldn't be required as using tgext.routes as the
main dispatch system must work :D
So I'll try to fix any dispatch related issue we might find.

> >   - Assigning to **self**, this is pretty widespread in Kallithea
> Can you give examples from the Kallithea source code? In the
> controllers I only find three files that have assignments to self:
> feed.py, api/__init__.py, journal.py.

I noticed in BaseController that it's done in a few places:

     self.cut_off_limit = safe_int(config.get('cut_off_limit'))
     self.sa = meta.Session
     self.scm_model = ScmModel(self.sa)

And as you stated also in API is done.

I remember I created some properties to work-around such behaviour and
provide backward compatibility from code that read ip_addr and authuser

    def ip_addr(self):
        return c.ip_addr

    def authuser(self):
        return c.authuser

but many more are probable set around the code.
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