Improved issue/task management

Andrew Shadura andrew at
Mon Oct 24 13:56:50 UTC 2016


On 24 October 2016 at 15:47, Mads Kiilerich <mads at> wrote:
> On 10/23/2016 01:38 PM, Dominik Ruf wrote:
>> A quick web search lead me to I don't know if anybody already
>> knows it, but it seems it supports my requirements above and it is open
>> source.
> I doubt a different tool automatically would make a big difference. But it
> can make a big difference if it makes a difference to key people and can
> make them make a difference ;-)

I agree. However organising the processes or cleaning up existing
issues may help us working on things.

> Besides you and and Andrew, Thomas has also done quite a bit of triaging and
> support on the existing bug tracker - his opinion also matters.
> I dont' have much opinion on it - fine with me ... assuming someone (you?)
> do the work, including:
>  * issues are migrated from the old system (or we decide not to)

*Iff* we decided to migrate to Taiga, we wouldn’t need to fully
migrate our issues, as it could be used as a complementary tool.
However, I am not sure regarding Taiga itself: compared to issue
tracking/organising features of Phabricator, a system we use at work,
it’s not much better (is it better at all?), but I like the appearance
of Phabricator more than of Taiga.

I’m not sure Phabricator itself is what we need either, as it seems to
be more of a all-in-one integrated solution, where bits fit to each
other but don’t really integrate well with external software.

>  * web pages are updated to point to the new system
>  * the user facing documentation is updated
>  * the contributing guidelines are updated - also regarding commit messages closing issues
>  * perhaps some hooks on for
> closing / commenting on issues
>  * perhaps some hook for posting new issues on the mailing list


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