Migration of Kallithea from Pylons to TurboGears2 completed

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 20:55:43 UTC 2017


I am pleased to announce that the migration of Kallithea's backend
framework has finally been completed. On the default branch, Kallithea
is no longer using the deprecated Pylons framework, but TurboGears2
[1]. At the same time, the use of 'paster' has been replaced by

If you are tracking the default branch and update to the latest
version, do not forget to recreate your .ini file as there have been a
few small changes.
Also check the instructions in the manual, more specifically for using gearbox.
There have been no database changes.
At the next release, the release notes will obviously give more details.

I would like to give a big thank you to Alessandro Molina (the
maintainer of TurboGears2) for performing the bulk of the actual
migration and helping us out with some of the problems we encountered
during the cleanup and finalization. This migration wouldn't have been
possible without him!

I would also like to thank Mads Kiilerich for all the critical
comments and suggestions he gave on the various iterations. While I
admit it was tough at times ;-) this only helped in better
understanding the actual changes, which in turn allowed splitting them
up in bite-size changes that were easier to grasp and review, and
organizing them in such a way that many preparatory commits could
already be applied on top of Pylons-based Kallithea.
Mads also performed the migration from 'paster' to 'gearbox' and
helped with several other preparatory commits.


[1] http://turbogears.org/

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