Kallithea , uwsgi and nginx

Adi Kriegisch adi at cg.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Jun 13 12:06:47 UTC 2017


> Centos 7, installed with nginx 1.10.2, Kallithea from Pypi. Running with
> waitress works, but both uwsgi and gunicorn suffers the same problem -
> hg pull -u fails when there is no changes (different errors):
> uwsgi configuration responds with 502
> gunicorn responds with 400
> There are no errors in any of the logs.
Hmm... so, you're sure it is uwsgi that throws an error (and not nginx)?
Then you could try to add something like
  buffer-size: 8192
  buffer-size: 16384
to uwsgi's config. This will increase the buffer for more/bigger headers and 
may help a great deal with mercurial repos.

-- Adi

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