Kallithea with non-publishing repos and evolve

Dominik Ruf dominikruf at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 17:41:38 UTC 2017

Arun Chandrasekaran <aruncxy at gmail.com> schrieb am Di., 19. Sep. 2017 um
03:01 Uhr:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way to use non-publishing repos on Kallithea? I tried
> enabling the below for a repo individually, but no luck.
> ```
> [phases]
> publish = False
> ```
I have a PR that allows to do this.

@Mads: Can we please give this another go? Arun is not the first who asks
for this.

> Also, how about evolve? I have enabled evolve locally and it is a
> sheer joy to work with (hg has always been brilliant, just that evolve
> saves additional histedit strokes). Just wondering if Kallithea
> supports it as well.
My PR allows to set any hg setting on a repository, repository group or
So you can also enable an extension like evolve.
In fact I use it myself exactly for this reason.

> Cheers,
> Arun
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