2 ways integration with Jenkins

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Wed Oct 4 00:42:10 UTC 2017

On 10/03/2017 05:35 PM, Long Vu wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I've seen on this list a hook in Kallithea that can trigger a
> Jenkins build on push.
> That hook can also automatically create a brand new job if a new
> branch was detected.  Please correct me if I was dreaming.
> That's one way for me.
> The other way is for Jenkins to report the pass/fail status back to
> Kallithea to be displayed when someone is browsing the PR or the
> commits.
> Is this reverse way possible?

I did this for Mercurial repos by having a cron job polling the "CI" 
system and creating "$BUILDNUMBER-pass" / "...-fail" local tags for 
revisions. Not a perfect solution, but shows that it is "possible".

Another way could be to have a special user account that approve/reject 
tested revisions - perhaps by polling, perhaps by having the CI system 
connect through the API.


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