Docker update (looking for testers)

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at
Tue Nov 14 20:32:17 UTC 2017

Hi Dominik,

2017-09-20 20:52 GMT+02:00 Dominik Ruf <dominikruf at>:
> Hi all,
> like I mentioned before, I'd like to add a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
> to make it really easy to get started with kallithea.
> I did some more work on my docker setup and it now also includes ssh
> support.
> And like before it generates the css file from less.
> So since these 2 things are not merged yet, I'd like to wait before creating
> a PR.
> But I wanted to ask if some people would volunteer to already test it.
> I'd like to hear from others if it helps them setting up a Full Stack
> installation.
> And if there are unclear things about how to use it.
> I upload my images to
> and you can find the docker-compose.yml at

Sorry, I kind of forgot about this mail.

I have recently deployed a kallithea instance with docker based on
your repo, but I was unaware that the version on Bitbucket is not up
to date with your latest developments.
As a result, I was still working on top of the latest commit there:
I would need to reevaluate your changes on For the
text below, I have not yet done that. It is possible that you already
solved some problems.

The instance we run is using uwsgi and postgresql.

Some feedback:
- Since we have some custom changes to Kallithea, I build the image
myself. In order to solve the reproducibility and traceability
problem, I have added a label to the image, which is visible with
'docker inspect <image>'. There apparently is a schema project that
provides a standard proposed set of labels, I took some of them from


LABEL$BUILD_DATE \"Kallithea image" \
      org.label-schema.description="Kallithea (" \
      org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$REV \
      org.label-schema.vcs-url=$URL \

- In order to easily provide the build date and other args, I added a
makefile with a build target:

NAME = foobar/kallithea
REV = 8142c5f0fd894a91dfd3f7e8e4484a028c5bfa96
URL = http://foobar:8000

       docker build \
               --build-arg REV=$(REV) \
               --build-arg URL=$(URL) \
               --build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"` \
               --tag $(NAME) \

- As we want uwsgi, I updated the dockerfile to install uwsgi and
uwsgitop with pip. I changed the CMD to:
CMD ["uwsgi", "--ini-paste-logged", "../conf/kallithea.ini"]
And in the script, I changed:
-if [ "$2" == "serve" ]; then
+if [ "$1" == "uwsgi" ]; then

- I had to change ownership of the script to
the kallithea user, adapting the chmod line to also contain:
    chown -R kallithea $KALLITHEA_PATH/src/

- Also to improve reproducibility, I added the dockerfile in the image:


Below things refer to docker-compose.yml:

- removed references/names to 'domruf' as we use our own images.
- removed explicit references to
- added log rotation to all services (kallithea, celery, postgres,
etc.), for example:
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "10M"
        max-file: "10"

- removed explicit container_name statements. It was unclear to me why
you did that.

- removed the explicit references to kallithea_net network. As far as
I see it is not necessary for a basic setup like this. All services
are connected to the same network anyway.

- removed celerybeat. Can you clarify why it is needed? Is it used by
Kallithea mainline?

- I changed named volumes for kallithea_conf, kallithea_repos and db
data to bind mounts, because it seemed easier for backup to me. But
that is probably not 'standard' in docker world.

- how do you solve the problem of user permissions between the host
system and the docker world? Files created by docker, like the db data
directory, are owned by a non-existing user on the host system. To
change them, I need to be root, or do changes from inside docker.

With respect to mainlining docker-related files, and some random thoughts:
- we can avoid some duplication by splitting docker-compose.yml, for
example the reference to the right image for kallithea, celery, and
celerybeat could be done in docker-compose-base.yml similar to what is
done here:

- we need to find a good way to cover different use cases. mysql
versus postgres is currently handled by uncommenting some lines, but
perhaps we could provide several files instead. Perhaps each of the
choices could be in separate files, and a master docker-compose can
include the relevant bits based on the user choice. Then the user
should only need to change the include statements in the master
docker-compose file.
Also the choice of web server (gearbox, uwsgi, external reverse proxy)
would need to be covered nicely. I'm no expert, but I guess we can
learn from other projects.

- in the cabot app example I linked above (which is based on Django)
they use alpine images for postgres and rabbitmq, which are generally
more lightweight. I'm not sure if there are downsides to doing this.
It could be something to consider.

Best regards,

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