Docker update (looking for testers)

Dominik Ruf dominikruf at
Tue Nov 14 21:55:04 UTC 2017

Thomas De Schampheleire <patrickdepinguin at> schrieb am Di., 14.
Nov. 2017 um 21:32 Uhr:

> Hi Dominik,
> 2017-09-20 20:52 GMT+02:00 Dominik Ruf <dominikruf at>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > like I mentioned before, I'd like to add a Dockerfile and
> docker-compose.yml
> > to make it really easy to get started with kallithea.
> > I did some more work on my docker setup and it now also includes ssh
> > support.
> > And like before it generates the css file from less.
> > So since these 2 things are not merged yet, I'd like to wait before
> creating
> > a PR.
> >
> > But I wanted to ask if some people would volunteer to already test it.
> > I'd like to hear from others if it helps them setting up a Full Stack
> > installation.
> > And if there are unclear things about how to use it.
> >
> > I upload my images to
> > and you can find the docker-compose.yml at
> >
> >
> Sorry, I kind of forgot about this mail.
> I have recently deployed a kallithea instance with docker based on
> your repo, but I was unaware that the version on Bitbucket is not up
> to date with your latest developments.
> As a result, I was still working on top of the latest commit there:
> I would need to reevaluate your changes on For the
> text below, I have not yet done that. It is possible that you already
> solved some problems.
I did some experiments and some back and forth, so the history of my repo
is a bit ugly. Sorry.

> The instance we run is using uwsgi and postgresql.
> Some feedback:
> - Since we have some custom changes to Kallithea, I build the image
> myself. In order to solve the reproducibility and traceability
> problem, I have added a label to the image, which is visible with
> 'docker inspect <image>'. There apparently is a schema project that
> provides a standard proposed set of labels, I took some of them from
> there:
> ARG BUILD_DATE=unknown
>"Kallithea image" \
>       org.label-schema.description="Kallithea ("
> \
>       org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$REV \
>       org.label-schema.vcs-url=$URL \
>       org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0"
Okay, I didn't know about that. I'll look into it, thanks.

> - In order to easily provide the build date and other args, I added a
> makefile with a build target:
> NAME = foobar/kallithea
> REV = 8142c5f0fd894a91dfd3f7e8e4484a028c5bfa96
> URL = http://foobar:8000
> build:
>        docker build \
>                --build-arg REV=$(REV) \
>                --build-arg URL=$(URL) \
>                --build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"` \
>                --tag $(NAME) \
>                .
> - As we want uwsgi, I updated the dockerfile to install uwsgi and
> uwsgitop with pip. I changed the CMD to:
> CMD ["uwsgi", "--ini-paste-logged", "../conf/kallithea.ini"]
> And in the script, I changed:
> -if [ "$2" == "serve" ]; then
> +if [ "$1" == "uwsgi" ]; then
I did something similar.

> - I had to change ownership of the script to
> the kallithea user, adapting the chmod line to also contain:
>     chown -R kallithea $KALLITHEA_PATH/src/
Why was this necessary? I mean it is probarbly a good idea but I don't see
why it' be required.

> - Also to improve reproducibility, I added the dockerfile in the image:
So the idea is that somebody who downloaded the image could  extract the
Dockerfile and
make some modifications?

> Below things refer to docker-compose.yml:
> - removed references/names to 'domruf' as we use our own images.
> - removed explicit references to
> - added log rotation to all services (kallithea, celery, postgres,
> etc.), for example:
>     logging:
>       driver: "json-file"
>       options:
>         max-size: "10M"
>         max-file: "10"
> - removed explicit container_name statements. It was unclear to me why
> you did that.
> - removed the explicit references to kallithea_net network. As far as
> I see it is not necessary for a basic setup like this. All services
> are connected to the same network anyway.
> - removed celerybeat. Can you clarify why it is needed? Is it used by
> Kallithea mainline?
No, it is used for an experimental feature (cron like tasks i.e. pull

> - I changed named volumes for kallithea_conf, kallithea_repos and db
> data to bind mounts, because it seemed easier for backup to me. But
> that is probably not 'standard' in docker world.
> - how do you solve the problem of user permissions between the host
> system and the docker world? Files created by docker, like the db data
> directory, are owned by a non-existing user on the host system. To
> change them, I need to be root, or do changes from inside docker.
I usually use sudo

> With respect to mainlining docker-related files, and some random thoughts:
> - we can avoid some duplication by splitting docker-compose.yml, for
> example the reference to the right image for kallithea, celery, and
> celerybeat could be done in docker-compose-base.yml similar to what is
> done here:

Yes, maybe. I'll look into it.

> - we need to find a good way to cover different use cases. mysql
> versus postgres is currently handled by uncommenting some lines, but
> perhaps we could provide several files instead. Perhaps each of the
> choices could be in separate files, and a master docker-compose can
> include the relevant bits based on the user choice. Then the user
> should only need to change the include statements in the master
> docker-compose file.
> Also the choice of web server (gearbox, uwsgi, external reverse proxy)
> would need to be covered nicely. I'm no expert, but I guess we can
> learn from other projects.
> - in the cabot app example I linked above (which is based on Django)
> they use alpine images for postgres and rabbitmq, which are generally
> more lightweight. I'm not sure if there are downsides to doing this.
> It could be something to consider.
> Best regards,
> Thomas
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