Pull / push locking - does it have any happy users, or can we drop it?

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Sun Jan 20 22:31:26 UTC 2019

On 1/8/19 5:05 PM, Long Vu wrote:
> At work we have a rather large repo with many active branches.  We are
> about 50ish dev committing to the same repo.
> Giving the number of active commit users, that locking feature would
> have been useful if it can lock only 1 single branch, time to
> stabilize it if need be.
> But locking the entire repo is way too invasive and disruptive.
> So I'd say drop the current repo wide locking feature unless it can
> lock only 1 single or a list of branches but not the entire repo wide
> like this.

Agreed, it could be a nice feature if done right. Most important, it has 
to allow "locking" on the client side when a file is edited ... and 
early notification on the client when "locked" files are modified, long 
time before trying to push.

Something like https://bitbucket.org/sborho/simplelock/src/default/ or 
https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/HgLockLEExtension or 
https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/LockExtension might work better than 
the old Kallithea locking if using Mercurial.


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