Issue #354: Recognize 'Cc' and 'Bcc' in send_email() (conservancy/kallithea)

lns_ross issues-reply at
Tue Jan 28 18:38:40 UTC 2020

New issue 354: Recognize 'Cc' and 'Bcc' in send_email()

Ross Thomas:

Is it possible to keep an empty _recipients_ list in send\_email\(\) if ‘Bcc’ and/or ‘Cc’ headers are present?

I have a pushhook that tries to send anonymized bulk email \(i.e. empty _recipients_ with a ‘Bcc' header1\) to all the followers of a repo \(except the pusher, if present\) in order to reduce the number of emails I need to send and to stop address leakage.

Currently, if the _recipients_ list is empty or _None_ the email is sent to all the admins as well as the ‘Bcc’ recipients, which is not really what I want.  So I am reduced to looping through the recipients and sending an email per recipient.

I know I could have a spam-able dummy address as a placeholder in the _recipients_ but that seems a little … cheesy.

Kallithea version: 0.5.1 \(also in 0.5.0\)

1 I’m not sure if this is a standard lib restriction but one should also be able to specify multiple headers of the same name.  I know that smtplib supports it but there seems to be several layers between here and there.

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