Pull request hooks

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Wed May 6 17:09:15 UTC 2020

On 5/3/20 10:40 AM, Eivind Kvedalen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to integrate Kallithea with an issue tracker, and I would 
> like to get notifications (not email, but something I could create an 
> API request from) when a pull request is created or updated. Are there 
> any hooks available for this already? If not, ideas on how to 
> implement it is welcome!

Kallithea currently has no such hook.

Similar hooks are in the hold rcextensions - 
. For example, kallithea/model/user.py will call log_create_user which 
in turn will call CREATE_USER_HOOK .

Similarly, the hook you ask for could be added with a call from 
kallithea/model/pull_request.py .

The whole rcextension system would be nice to get cleaned up. For 
example, the name "rc" is an old leftover. Also, while there for example 
is a hook for created repos, there is no hook for renaming repos. But 
for a start, we could try to add the hooks you ask for.


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