Exploring the possibility of better NPO support in LedgerSMB

Chris Travers chris.travers at gmail.com
Fri May 3 21:36:36 EDT 2013

Hi everyone;

I am the most active developer in the LedgerSMB project and would like to
offer assistance for phase 0 evaluation of this software for a possible NPO
accounting system.  We began as a fork of SQL-Ledger and our community (and
software) has a few things that may be attractive to the NPO community.

* We are a multi-vendor community.  No company controls the development.
 No formal organization controls the copyright.  The vendors of our
community work together on the project as a common project.

*  LedgerSMB 1.4 will support funds accounting.

* We are building out an infrastructure for thick clients as well as web

* We have a vibrant developer community which can significantly help with
ramp-up of whoever is hired by the sf conservancy.

I can also provide what I think is a reasonable overview on what would be
required to make LedgerSMB attractive to the general NPO community (It
isn't there yet, but frankly neither are the others).   If there is
anything I can do to be of assistance, please let me know.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
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