Status on NPO Accounting project: Conservancy seeks a contractor to begin work

Josh Berkus josh at
Wed Aug 28 21:23:51 EDT 2013


> my 2 cents and some advice based on past experience with civicrm and
> other products:
> a. Avoid going down the route of design by committee / design by
> mailing list. Things get talked about a lot with little forward
> progress

Now that we're getting started on this, I'd think that a wiki or
something similar where we can collaborate on requirements docs would
help; I agree that mailing lists are far from ideal for working out such

As assistant treasurer of SPI, I have my own requirements to add ...

> c. Since you (and some other orgs) are already fairly happy with
> ledger-cli, i'm not sure how important and how much time u'll should
> spend on the evaluation phase

The evaluation needs to be led by the requirements.

So, Bradley, do you have a requirements doc already?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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