
Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at
Tue Mar 18 11:51:25 EDT 2014

VAIBHAV  wrote on Saturday,  8 March:

> Hii,I am Vaibhav Joshi,doing my MCA from India.While going through
> various Gsoc project organisations and Ideas.


> I came across the idea of writing a better test suite for Ledger-CLI
> upstream,so that it is implemented with new features.I have seen the
> ledger repo and noticed that they are using boost library.I compared
> the boost.Test and other testing frameworks that are being in use for
> writing testing suites by many organisations.  ..Any pointers from
> where should I start?

There are a few other students interested in this one too.  One of the
things I've encouraged them to do is work on a patch to add a few tests
for Ledger-CLI now to get used to the project.

> I found it will better to use Boost.test in future as it will be easy
> to maintain and enhance and switching to other frameworks like gtest
> or cppunit will not be efiicient.

I think johnw, the maintainer of Ledger-CLI, might agree with you. :)

I'm agnostic on this issue.  I think whichever student works on this
task will have a lot of input.  Feel free to include your thoughts on
this in your application.

Bradley M. Kuhn, President, Software Freedom Conservancy

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