Glad to see this happening!

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at
Tue Dec 8 19:01:06 UTC 2020

I want to thank Kevin and Richard from Bloomberg and Red Hat (respectively)
for noting publicly their subscription to the list and interest in the
project.  There are a few folks from companies that are also interested
reading this list, but they're still working to figure out whether they can
identify themselves publicly.  I ask that list subscribers, who currently
can see who else is subscribed, not mention whose lurking until they
identify themselves.

I've spoken to a few folks at companies that have some willingness to adopt
this Pledge and are interested in following the drafting.  I hope more can
participate as our goal is to get something that copyright holders who might
send DMCA takedowns are willing to adopt.

I will remind everyone again, and probably will keep reminding every so
often, that anyone on this list doesn't necessarily represent their
company's position regarding willingness to adopt certain provisions, but
we've asked folks to participate in the hopes that they can give input
toward text that has the best chance of adoption by many parties.

Finally, by making the drafting process public, I think this can serve a
pedagogical purpose and an example of how to draft Pledges and statements of
intent like this in the FOSS community.  Since this is admittedly a smaller
one with somewhat lower stakes than other such Pledges (e.g., patent
enforcement pledges), hopefully we can have some meta-impact on helping the
world see how to do this sort of drafting in a public process.
Bradley M. Kuhn - he/him
Policy Fellow & Hacker-in-Residence at Software Freedom Conservancy
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