[FOSSY-attendees] Complete and Corresponding Summary of day three

FOSSY Organizers conference at sfconservancy.org
Sun Jul 16 01:00:08 UTC 2023

## COVID update

We were alerted today of another positive COVID test. There was an
attendee at talks and lunch Thursday and Friday (but never unmasked at
any point -- they took the lunch to go) who tested positive this morning
and so was unable to attend today. We really appreciate their quick
response in letting us know. And further, we thank you all for your
steadfast mask wearing -- it's not a guarantee against infection, but
it's part of our risk mitigation strategy and has helped reduce further

We've been told there is a CVS vending machine in the Convention Center
lobby which has COVID tests. We also still have some tests at the reg

## Keynote tomorrow 9:30am

This keynote celebrates an important milestone 13 years in the making:
Outreachy surpassed 1000 interns with its current round of internships!
Some of the members of the Outreachy organizers (Anna e só, Karen
Sandler and Sage Sharp) will be on stage to reflect on the program's
evolution, its successes and the people who have made it possible. We
invite all FOSSY attendees to come to the keynote session to celebrate
with us!

## Social event tonight

Tonight starting at 7pm at Spirit of 77, you can join Apereo, Virtual
Inc., Unicorn, and Sakai+ for an evening of FOSS, friends, and fun,
organized by the FOSS for Education track. It might not be too late to
get a drink ticket at the Apereo booth!

## Closing remarks

The last talks tomorrow end at 6pm, which is when Software Freedom
Conservancy's Executive Director will give the closing remarks,
including inviting track organizers to share something notable from
their tracks. We hope you all will join us to send off the conference
that we've built together :)

## Luggage storage tomorrow

If you need a place to store luggage tomorrow, you can drop it off at
F152 starting at 9am.

You can retrieve it before 7:00pm except for between 6:00pm - 6:30pm
(because we will be in the closing remarks).

The process will be:

1) Bring your luggage to the room

2) Take a selfie of you with your luggage
2a) If you don't have a way to take a selfie, we can hand write you a
claim ticket

3) When you are picking your bag up, show the volunteer/staff person
your selfie or claim ticket

## Volunteers needed!

The above luggage service was a late addition to our plans, and we could
use your help to make it work smoothly.  If you can volunteer to spend 1
hour staffing the luggage room, please reply to this email (to
conference at sfconservancy.org) and see us at the registration desk after
the morning keynote.

## Coffee and Lunch

Coffee (regular and decaf) and tea will be served at 9:00am and 4:00pm
outside the keynote room by registration.

For the last day of lunch, join us at 12:30pm (until 2:00pm) at Spirit
of 77 across the street for a classic of veggie burgers (vegan and
gluten free), cheeseburger slider, jojos (potato wedges), onion rings,
fruit platter, and roasted veggies (vegan). Lunch is included with your
registration. There is limited outdoor seating in the back patio, but we
are providing takeaway boxes for folks to pack lunch and eat outside in
the parks if they prefer. There is a water station at the back of the
room and drinks are available for purchase.

## Code of Conduct Team

Just a reminder that the Code of Conduct team is wearing blue hats. You
can find us walking around the conference or someone at the registration
desk can get a hold of us. If you are more comfortable reporting via
email, you can email conference at sfconservancy.org.

## Badge and lanyard return

If you don't want to keep them, you can drop your badge and lanyard off
at registration, and we will reuse them at future events.

## Share with us

We will be in the #fossy IRC room on libera.chat and accompanying XMPP
room xmpp:fossy at chat.sfconservancy.org?join over the next couple days
(at least!). You can also use the #FOSSY hashtag on social media to
share your pictures, great moments and ideas with us.

We'll see you tomorrow at 9:30am on the dot for the final keynote
featuring Outreachy's 1000th intern celebration!

-FOSSY Organizing Team

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