Proposal for TurboGears2 port

Alessandro Molina alessandro.molina at
Tue Jan 26 22:57:05 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 11:38 PM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at> wrote:

> Thanks, Alessandro.
> I'm very positive to the proposal. I would love if someone already had
> done all the work or offered to do it. That would (probably) make it a
> no-brainer to accept it and move in that direction.

Well I can work on a proof of concept and have a version of Kallithea
running on TG, but as I don't know much of the codebase and what should be
the expected behaviour it will still require much work from the Kallithea
team to port parts that I'll probably miss and ensure that everything works
as before.

I can start the port but kallithea community would still need to move it
forward :D
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