Jenkins plugin

Dominik Ruf dominikruf at
Tue Mar 14 21:58:47 UTC 2017


I just wanted to let you know, that I have a first prototype of a jenkins
SCMSource plugin, similar to .
You can see it in action here .
What it does is, it creates a project for every branch and every pull
request that contains a Jenkins file.

So, not only does it run all the tests (incl. coverage) and pylint when new
changesets are pushed, it also runs all the tests etc. when there is a new
pull request. So before you even look at the new pull request you can see
if the pull request broke some tests.

My plugin is still in a very early stage. There are a quite a few things I
need to clean up and kallithea also needs a view API improvements to make
it work. But I think you can see the genral idea.

Let me know what you think and if you have some more ideas about a jenkins

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