Issue #295: Creating a repository with a clone causes the UI to hang until clone is complete (conservancy/kallithea)

shachar_gluska issues-reply at
Tue Aug 22 19:28:24 UTC 2017

New issue 295: Creating a repository with a clone causes the UI to hang until clone is complete


When you create a new repository and choose to clone an existing one, the UI won't indicate that the server is busy cloning.
Only after the clone is complete, the server will kindly respond with "please wait while creating the repository".

Existing Behavior:
The webpage is simply waiting for a response from the server. Appears to be "stuck".

Expected Behavior:
The user will be be shown the "Please wait while creating your repository" page while the server is busy cloning.

Steps to reproduce:

Tested with Kallithea 0.3.3.
0. Optional: Run Kallithea in a terminal / with access to its run logs.
    This will later enable to see that the webui appears frozen, but kallithea is actually busy cloning.
1. Login to Kallithea.
2. Click *Add Repository*
3. Insert a URL into *Clone remote repository:*
4. Fill out *Name*; choose *Hg* as *Type*.
5. Choose a repository that takes a few seconds to clone.
This will probably change a lot depending the server's hardware and connection.
For me it was sufficient to choose **
6. Click *Add*
7. Watch as the webui appears to be stuck.
8. Optional: look at Kallithea's run logs. You'll clearly see it busy cloning.
9. Watch as Kallithea finally responds with "creating your repo, will redirect when done".

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