Kallithea git big file pull/push timeout error question

김태호 taehokim at hicare.net
Mon Jun 7 06:12:44 UTC 2021

Hello KallitheaWe are currnetly using Kallithea on AWS EC2 instance.The sturcture of it is follow as:AWS Load Balancer -> EC2 (Kallithea)The ini file has been made by the CLI of :kallithea-cli config-create my.ini database_engine=postgres http_server=gearboxWhenever my team try to download this big file(approx 2GB), following error comes out:RPCfailed;HTTP504curl22TherequestedURLreturnederror:504Related to this, I wonder if there isthe file that can change the settings for timeout for gearbox or something else.Or please let me know if there is another solution for this problem.
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